
Proposal: Martin Levihn

Title: Autonomous Environment Manipulation to Facilitate Task Completion

10:00 AM-12:00 PM on August 21, 2014
Location: CCB 345


Georgia Tech Robotics Ph.D. Orientation 2014

Hello Robotics Ph.D. Class of 2014

First of all, congratulations to all of you for your admission to the Georiga Tech Robotics Ph.D. program. RoboGrads welcome you to the program and we are looking forward to meeting all of you this fall. RoboGrads, an organisation comprised of Robotics Ph.D. students, serves as the link between students in the program and the Robotics faculty. We are here to represent your interests and keep you updated about the program and related events.

Let me introduce all of our officers in the executive board first:

Proposal: Representing and Learning Affordance-Based Behaviors

Tucker Hermans, Robotics Ph.D Student

January 29, 2013 (Tuesday)


Autonomous robots deployed in complex, natural human environments such as homes and offices need to manipulate numerous objects throughout their lifetimes. For an autonomous robot to operate effectively in such a setting and not require excessive training on part of a human operator, it should be capable of discovering how to reliably manipulate novel objects in the environment. We characterize the possible methods by which a robot can act on an object using the concept of affordances. Psychologist J.J. Gibson originally defined affordances as the action possibilities available in the environment to an agent. In the context of this work we define affordance-based behaviors as object manipulation strategies available to the robot, which correspond to specific semantic actions over which a task-level planner or end user of the robot can operate.

