Celebrating the Research of Mike Stilman - November 7th, 2014

On November 7th, 2014, there will be a celebration of Dr. Mike Stilman's life and work at the GT Academy of Medicine. If you wish to attend any part of the event, please RSVP by Friday, October 24th by filling out this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2VRRCSN 

The following information about the event was sent out to the IRIM Seminar email list by Nina White and is posted here for your convenience:

On November 7th we are having an event to celebrate the research of Mike Stilman, who passed away much too early the past Spring. The event will be at the Academy of Medicine - academy.gatech.edu The event is hosted by Dean Galil, Chair Anton and myself. The draft program is listed below. The

09:30 Welcome
09:45 Tomas Lozano-Perez, MIT - Robot Planning
10:15 Chris Atkeson, CMU - Humanoid Systems
10:45 Break
11:00 James Kuffner, Google - Mobile Manipulation
11:30 Gil Pratt, DARPA - Dynamic Planning for Humanoids
12:00 Lunch
01:00 Sungmoon Joo - DARPA DRC robotics
01:20 Neil Dantam - Grammar Based Control
01:40 Ana Huaman - Robot Grasp Modeling
02:00 Martin Levihn - Tool use for task achievement
02:20 Break
02:40 Tobias Kunz - Kinodynamic planning
03:00 Jonathan Scholz - Robot learning
03:20 Can Erdogan - Object assemblies for challenging tasks
03:40 Michael Grey - Whole-body manipulation 
04:00 Wrap-up 
04:05 Reception

You are all encouraged to attend the event. The morning is populated by researcher that had a strong impact on Mike Stilman and the afternoon has a number of presentations of the research that Mike was engaged in at Georgia Tech.

Again, if you wish to attend, please RSVP by October 24th here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2VRRCSN