Executive Board
President: The President will be the executive officer of the Executive Board, will have general supervision of the affairs of the RoboGrads and will preside at meetings.
Vice-President: The Vice Presidents (VP) will each be the head of a committee responsible for a subset of the RoboGrads mission objectives. The VPs will each be responsible for recruiting and managing his or her committee. A VP will be responsible for each of the topics below.
Academics - responsible for facilitating the academic development (e.g., student-led seminars) of the GT robotics research community.
RoboWomen - responsible for facilitating professional development and community to support women in GT robotics research.
Communications - responsible for maintaining the official list of RoboGrads members as well as all communication between the Executive Board and members.
Outreach - responsible for educating and working with the local community in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area about robotics at Georgia Tech.
Robotics PhD Program - responsible for any form of academic inquiry, complaint, or suggestion by Robotics PhD students regarding robotics courses, qualifiers, curriculum, or other topics of interest to students in the program.
Social Activities - responsible for organizing social events to create and maintain a community of graduate students at Georgia Tech.
Public Relations - responsible for representing IRIM students to external groups.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer will maintain records of all revenue and expenditures and ensure that generally accepted accounting practices and monetary controls are in place. The treasurer will also interact with accountants and administrators at Georgia Tech to ensure that all purchases and reimbursements are handled in a timely fashion. The Treasurer may recruit and manage a committee as necessary for the completion of his or her duties.